There Will Be a Prototype 3 Next Year

I would like to annouce that there will be a PROTOTYPE 3 next year and are protagonist is Alex Mercer
wait a second....  Alex is dead
14 months earlier mercer consumed captain cross and exsperienced his first death. Apon reforming he began his search and destruction of all blackwatch operatives involved in the creation of the virus. Shortly after his mission began the virus within himself grows out of control forcing him to exspell a doppleganger looking version of himself [mercer or the virus killed by Heller] the doppleganger then proceeds to critically wound mercer ( alex himself ) leaving him to pass out and die. Awaking later in his old apartment ( prototype 1 ) of NYC mercer finds his body further altered by the virus [new moves, powers, attacks and abilitys] having no memory of returning to his apartment or how long he's been out, mercer proceeds to take his new coat from a dead infected located outside his burnt and wrecked housing ,seeing as his jacket is blood soaked and torn. Seeking out his doppleganger mercer climes the nearest building only to find himself looking down Apon his dopple gangers death ( end scene of prototype 2 ).
- co-op can finally be made ALEX AND JAMES
- story line is to find the true cause of the viruses
- This story also explains why mercer went from hero in number one to villain in number 2.
- Heller's daughter, Rooks and Dana will also appear here
- plot twist ????
- how is the antagonist ? is it PARIAH, HELLER, MERCER, DANA OR SOMEONE ELSE ?

you should be able to controle the infected
I've read all the story concepts above & I like them all, I'm here will give another several optional plots for an upcoming Prototype 3 game. I'd prefer if it takes the place in NYZ & starts from the red zone. There will be 4 or 5 islands with different infection phases, the main island is the red zone, the NYZ. Now, we can explore the dead zone. If the protagonist is a female, She should has a new devastator style by screaming loud to make the people & enemies' heads around her explode by her voice. The graphics should be improved too, when she screams, all the glasses on the buildings around her should be broken. Another ability that the protagonist should have is able to burn something because he/she has consumed the fire bird or crow (or a fire monster) or whatever it is.
Here are my options for the plot:
Female Protagonist
The story starts before & after the incident of Prototype 2,  when a girl was infected by Alex Mercer in the Red Zone, at the first she follows Mercer's orders. Until the death of Alex Mercer, she wants to take a revenge to Heller, the man who killed Alex Mercer.  On the mission, she has an order by another Mercer's infected to hunt & consume Dana Mercer. After she meets Dana & tries to consume her, Heller comes & fight with her. Lost a fight with Heller, Heller threats to consume her if she doesn't wanna talk to him. When she asks Heller why he killed Alex Mercer, then Heller & Dana tell the reasons. Confused what has she done, then she prefers to follow Heller & Dana. She has the abilities like Alex Mercer & James Heller, her primary weapon is a whip. She also has a new devastator style by screaming loud to make the people & enemies' heads explode around her. Her last mission is to defeat Alex Mercer's right-hand men/women (maybe Pariah) & destroy the infection.
Dana as The New Protagonist
After the incident of Prototype 2, Dana is captured by an unknown evolved and it claims that it's infected by Alex Mercer. It says that Dana should have listened to Alex before he died. Sad being a monster like Alex, she then tries to have a revenge to kill the main antagonist (evolved or maybe Pariah) that has infected her into that monster & clean the city.
Alex Mercer as a Good Man
For prototype 3, the main protagonist I'd prefer a female (maybe Dana) than male (one of Mercer's infected like Heller), Heller is OK too I think, I would like to see Alex has realized what he's done & pleads Heller to free him, inside Heller's mind & dream Alex keeps whispering & always talking with Heller. At first, Alex still whispering to Heller about his bad missions, but Heller ignores him until Alex sees Heller's life in his memories. After some missions, Alex starts to whispering good things to Heller until the end of Prototype 3 game. Promising that Alex will be a good person, Heller frees him by infecting a zombie into Alex's form. Alex loses all his powers, the abilities that he has only shapeshifting, run, dash & empty hands fight. Knows that he has been freed, he later apologizes to Dana & Heller. Then, he regrets & promises (in Mercer's narrative), once again will destroy all the infected. After the incident of Prototype 3, as Rooks asked Heller to leave the city in Prototype 2, then Heller & Amaya leave NYZ. I hope if Alex Mercer comes back to live, he'll be a good man & ready to be the protagonist for Prototype 4.
Alex Mercer as a Bad Man : Murder Your Brother
The title will be "Murder Your Brother" if Dana is the new protagonist. Unlike "Alex Mercer as a Good Man", Alex Mercer keeps whispering Heller until he mad, then Alex manages to take the controls of Heller's body & shifts into Alex's form. Sometimes, Heller still can take the control of his mind, but as the time goes by, Mercer's mind is getting stronger & stronger. The ending of this story will be dramatic if Dana is the protagonist, after Alex lost a fight against Dana & he returns into Heller's form, Dana brings Heller into the incinerator, Heller asks her to burn him with Alex, Amaya sees his father is about to die. Then, Heller says (in Alex Mercer's voice) something unpleasant to Dana & Amaya, Heller is back again in his voice, asks Dana to hurry to kill him & Alex, before Dana burns them, Heller says goodbye to Amaya.
